The green cheek conure is one of the world’s cutest parrots and one of the most popular birds to keep as a pet. However, this particular bird needs a lot of attention and care to ensure a long lifespan.
Green cheek conure lifespan may live up to 20 years in the wild, but on average, they will only live 10–15 years if they can avoid predators and disease.
With proper care, including a nutritious diet and a calm environment, a captive conure has a lifespan of about 25 years.
In this post, I’ll explain what factors affect a conure’s lifespan and how to care for its health.

Pineapple Green Cheek Conures Lifespan in the Wild
As a result of the wide variety of predators they could encounter in the wild, conures prefer to spend their time in the safety of the treetops. Predators pose a constant danger to a conure in the wild, but illness and injury are also inevitable realities of life in the wild. However, if they are healthy and able to avoid predators and diseases, conures have a life expectancy of 10–20 years in the wild.
Pineapple Green Cheek Conures Lifespan in Captivity
Captive conures tend to live much longer than their wild counterparts, though this is not always the case and depends on several factors.
Green cheek conure lifespan can be greatly influenced by the care you give it, including the food you give it, the environment you provide, and your vigilance in preventing illness.
Captive conures are lucky to live to the age of 10 under poor conditions of husbandry and care, but can live as long as 20 with the right treatment.
Some Green Cheek Conure lifespans have been documented to live up to 25 years, but this appears to be the upper limit, even with excellent care.
What influences the green cheek conure lifespan?
If you’re into keeping birds as pets, you can rest assured that you’ll have a wonderful companion for many years. However, how can you ensure your bird has a fighting chance of making it to 30?
Like humans, pineapple conure may have genetic defects. Unfortunately, genetics or disease can shorten a green-cheeked conure lifespan even with the best care.
The following article will discuss a few other factors that impact the green cheek conure lifespan, including genetic diseases and environmental influences.
A bird’s diet can have an important impact on its health and green cheek conure lifespan, so it’s best to know what they eat and its dietary needs.

Your pineapple green cheek conure is just as happy with a diet of seeds, nuts, or pellets as he is with fresh fruit and vegetables. There are a wide variety of diets available for your conure. However, if you want to ensure that your bird gets the best possible nutrition, it is best to go to a vet for advice.
Stress prevention
Like humans, green cheek conure lifespan is also affected by stress because chronic anxiety and depression can devastate your pet’s physical and mental health, leading to a much shorter life expectancy.
Conures’ lives can be significantly shortened by stress brought on by things like being kept in a small, cramped cage or being allowed too little time outside the cell.
General care
Consistent visits to an avian vet are essential for ensuring the health of your bird, as illnesses can manifest with little to no warning.
If you already have a conure and plan to bring in other birds, you should quarantine them first to ensure they are healthy and won’t spread disease to your conure.
Good Care For Your Green-Cheeked Conure
You know that special attention must be paid to a pineapple’s green cheeks. So, for the sake of your little feathered pal, here are some routines you’ll inevitably have to perform.
Specialized pellets, fresh fruits, and vegetables should be on hand to ensure a healthy diet. Any fruit or vegetable that hasn’t been eaten within a few hours should be thrown away. Apples, strawberries, spinach, and broccoli are Green Cheek Conure’s favorite vegetables.
Plain yogurt, American cheese, or boiled meat are good treats for your feathered friend.
Keeping your green-cheeked parakeet clean and well-groomed is good for both of you. Every other day, fill a shallow bowl with clean, chlorine-free water for a bath.
Green cheeks will travel long distances in the wild in search of food and water. Although it is impossible to recreate this in captivity, keeping your feathered friend healthy and active can be accomplished by giving it access to playthings and regular out-of-cage time.
To protect your green cheek conure from harm, have an avian specialist or veterinarian perform these grooming procedures.
As soon as you notice its nails becoming sharp, trim them so that neither you nor the bird will get hurt.
How old is my green cheek conure?
There is no reliable way to determine the age of a green-cheeked conure past the juvenile phase.
If the bird has a leg band, you can use that to figure out when it was born.
Yet a very young baby green cheek conure is easily recognizable because its feathers haven’t grown. The abundance of down and fluff on a bird suggests it is only a few weeks old.
Male vs. Female Conure Lifespan
Male conures tend to outlive their female counterparts by a matter of months.
The physical demands of reproduction, such as egg-laying and nurturing newborns, place a greater burden on women than on men.
Your female Green Cheek conure lifespan may live a little longer if she is never allowed to breed, but this is only because femcon resales typically only live as long as their male counterparts.

Is a green cheek conure right for you?
Undoubtedly, a green-cheeked conure is a cute and clever bird that will become a loyal companion.
However, this is only the case if you can devote sufficient time to spending quality time with her and meeting her many requirements.
Be sure to provide ample space for your conure to unwind and a pleasant environment where he can live by providing him with various stimulating activities and toys.
What do green-cheek conures eat?
Your conure’s diet should consist primarily of the pelleted, conure-specific food that you’ve been feeding (roughly 60–70 percent of the time), with the remaining 10 percent coming from fresh produce, fruit, and fortified seeds.
All of the water is pure and is replaced every day.
How much does a green-cheek conure cost?
Green-cheeked conures range in price from around $350 to much more.
This bird’s mutations, such as the Turquoise, Yellow Sided, and Pineapple, can command prices of $500 to nearly $1,000.Â
The price of a bird can be affected by various factors, including age and general health.
Video: Why Green Cheek Conures Are Good Birds?

Victoria has always loved pets. Watching the animals at the zoo was her favorite thing. Her first volunteer job was at the local animal shelter, Gateway Area Humane Society. It was fun to spend time with all the animals.
Victoria M. Pierce decided to pursue a career in veterinary medicine after high school. Victoria graduated from North Carolina State University with a degree in veterinary medicine. She has been a veterinarian for ten years. It’s her passion to help animals and make a difference in their lives.
Animal rights and welfare are Victoria M. Pierce’s passions. Victoria believes all animals deserve respect and compassion. As a veterinarian, she strives to provide her patients with the best care.