How long does it take for Lester to call? In GTA 5, Lester is your man when you need to get the cops off your back or set up some jobs for you. Find out how long it will take him to call you for heists or how you can proactively reach out to him. Your ultimate GTA 5 advice is here!
If you just finished a mission assigned to you by Lester, you will have to wait for his call for a second one. The wait time varies a lot. It can take anywhere from 15 to 48 minutes. On the other hand, you don’t have to wait for Lester’s phone call in general. Simply pick up the phone, go to Quick Job, and then select Play Heist at the top of the list. You can start your own heist or enter a theft that you have already finished.
How To Get Lester To Call You
To set up a heist, players must be ranked 14 or higher and own a high-end apartment with a heist planning room. Lester Crest will contact the player through text and phone calls once the player has attained the required level and acquired an acceptable flat, presenting the idea of the heist.

The player must then visit Lester at his clothing factory. This will start the heist instruction, The Fleeca Job. Lester provides the upfront cash expense and serves as Heist Leader for the tutorial’s sake. After that, you’ll be able to begin heists with other online gamers without Lester. You have the option of organizing heists and becoming a Heist Leader.
How Long Does It Take For Lester To Call?
Lester can initiate a call at various times when you reach certain levels and meet heist requirements. Find out how long it takes him to call you, depending on your progress in GTA 5.
How long does it take for Lester to call after Diamond Casino heist?
Suppose you partake in the Cayo Perico Heist after Diamond Casino Heist. In that case, you will have to wait 1 in-game day, which lasts 48 minutes, if you play in a team. If you go solo, the next heist can take 3 times longer than usual. However, GTA 5 glitches sometimes, and some players have had to wait 12 real-time hours to move on to the next heist.
How long does it take for Lester to call for Pacific Standard?
The wait time rule works the same on every heist that Lester sends you. So expect to wait anywhere between 48 minutes to 144 minutes or 2.4 hours.
How long does it take Lester to call for another heist?
It’s usually one game day and 48 minutes. You can utilize that time to complete the heist setup objectives.
How long does it take for Lester to call after Fleeca?
Wait 15 minutes, then look for a new session. That is how many users receive Lester’s call. Switching to another lobby can also trigger the latest heist, but it should take another 15 minutes as well. Of course, there is no guarantee that this trick will work all the time. In most cases, it should take at least one in-game day!
How long does it take for Lester to call after prison break?
Prison Break Heist’s goal is to free Professor Maxim Rashkovsky from the State Prison in Sandy Shores. Typically, it will take 48 minutes in real time for Lester to call after you finish the Prison Break raid. But, it can also take anywhere from 2 to up to 12 hours in real time if you have bad luck. By this point, it’s a good idea to replay an old heist or restart the game to trigger Lester to call.

How long does it take for Lester to call for Humane Labs?
After about 1 hour of driving around freely or in the lobby, you should receive the next call for joining the Humane Labs raid. Of course, you can also participate in daily quests or assassinations that don’t interfere with the heist in your waiting time.
Lester Not Calling For Casino Heist
Surprisingly, this is a problem that many GTA 5 players have had to deal with. After finishing the previous heist, Lester won’t call for the next one. Or, players that have reached level 14 and purchased an apartment with a heist planning room still don’t get a call from the troublesome guy. Waiting in free roam, doing missions, replay past heists don’t help.
For the Casino Heist, players should wait only 48 minutes max if they play in a group and 96 or more if they play individually. Doing missions will generally trigger Lester to call after you have finished them. In addition, players have tried trading cars in between, and the trick also works.
How To Meet Lester In Mirror Park
After installing the Diamond Casino Heist DLC, you will receive a text message when you return to GTA Online. It usually is instant, although it might sometimes take a few minutes. The text message was sent to you by Lester. After reading this message, proceed to Mirror Park. You can find the location of the park on the city map.
What does Lester say when you call him?
Most of the time, he wouldn’t even pick up. But sometimes, he will answer with: How can I be of service? Call me back when you figure out that brain or yours work/ when simple decisions don’t freak you out so much/ when your brain has started working, and so on.
What to do when Lester not in mirror park?
Visit the H symbol by the casino to trigger the casino heist.
When does Lester call for casino heist?
It will be very random. When you receive calls from Trevor, don’t ignore them. Try listening without really listening to them if they bother you. Lester should call after you answer the last phone call from Trevor, which takes only 30 seconds.
When will Lester call for first heist?
After you finish the Fleeca tutorial, there will be a delay before he sends you the first real heist: The Prison Break. However, it should take only 15 to 48 minutes. As for the Fleeca tutorial, you should be able to trigger it when you reach level 12 and have a luxurious house with a heist planning room.
When does Lester call for third heist?
The third heist (counting the Fleeca tutorial) is the Humane Labs Raid. It should take 48 to 96 minutes for Lester to call you on this mission. Without counting the Fleeca raid, Series A Funding should be the third heist, which requires to same delay time.

It’s me, Leo B. Hurdle. I’ve always loved video games since I was a kid. Since I love writing as well, I knew I must pursue this combination when I realized I could combine both.
I graduated from Cornell University in 2012. Initially, I worked in game design, but eventually became a game writer. Since about five years, I’ve been writing games. My experience ranges from first-person shooters to puzzle games, and I’ve loved every minute of it.
I spend too much time playing online games. Roleplaying games are also my favorite. It’s fun to get lost in another world and become someone else. Playing it is a great way to escape reality.