If you want to know how old is Elizabeth Afton, you have come to the right place. Knowing the young child’s age will help explore the lore of Five Nights At Freedy’s better, thus connecting the plots from different timelines.
As far as we know, Elizabeth died at the age of 13 on 1986. Circus Baby crushed her inside of its belly, and the event was revealed through a minigame that appeared at the final of Sister Location. This is the 5th installment of the series. You can check out the video here!
Elizabeth Afton’s Biography
Learn about Elizabeth Afton’s background information here!
How old is Elizabeth Afton in the books?
Elizabeth was born July 13th, 1972, and died June 21st, 1986. She was 13 when the incident where Circus Baby attacked and crushed her inside of it happened. Elizabeth then possessed the animatronic and started attacking children that came to Circus Baby’s Pizza World.

What is Elizabeth Afton’s full name?
Her full name is Elizabeth Isabelle Afton.
Is Elizabeth the youngest Afton?
No, the youngest Afton is C.C. Afton, more commonly known as Crying child. He was born in 1974 and died in 1983, which makes him only 9 years old when he left the world, but not for good. He was the main victim of The Bite of 83′. His head was crushed inside of Fredbear due to his brother bullying him.
Is Elizabeth Afton still alive?
No, Elizabeth is already dead by the hand of an animatronic called Circus Baby or simply Baby. Elizabeth’s dad, William Afton, made the animatronic as a “gift” for his daughter, which explains why the appearance of the animatronic resembles Elizabeth so much.
Age Of The Other Aftons
Aside from Elizabeth, how many members of the Afton family are still alive? And what are their ages? Explore with us below.
What year is Michael Afton’s birthday?
Michael Afton was born in 1969 and is the eldest child of the Afton Family, followed by his sister and younger brother, Elizabeth and CC. The character is currently still alive.

How old is Michael Afton in SL?
Sister Location’s storyline is based heavily on the Bite of 83′, which is also the year when the events in the game took place. Since Michael was born in 1969, so he was 14 at the time.
Is CC older than Elizabeth?
No, CC is the youngest child of the Afton family, born in 1974. Elizabeth’s birthday was on 1972, so she is 2 years older than CC.
When was Clara Afton’s birthday?
Clara Afton doesn’t have much lore to explore yet since she has only appeared once in Sister Location, where players can see her driving down a cliff while in a stressful state. Later she possessed Ballora, another animatronic of her husband. According to fans’ theory, her birth date was April 9th, 1947. But since this isn’t confirmed by Scott, we can’t know for sure.
How old is William Afton now 2021?
The age of William Afton is the hardest one to wrap our heads around. Some sources say he was born in 1938. Others say that he was born in the 40s or 50s. By far, there isn’t an exact confirmation yet. Still, fans are leaning towards the year 1938 after doing some math around the events that took place in each installment.

Myths And Doubts Around The Afton Family
Other than the characters’ background, let’s get into more exciting stuff around the Aftons’ death and mysteries.
When was the Afton family born?
It’s hard to say when the Afton family started, but we can presume that it was before Michael was born, which was before 1969. The first time that William Afton killed someone was in 1983 when he killed Susie, whose soul would possess the animatronic Chica later on.
Who was the first death in the Afton family?
CC Afton is the first one to die in the Afton Family. His brother, Michael, was a big bully and at the event of his birthday party, Michael and his friends group up to put his head inside of the Fredbear animatronic. Despite him crying and begging, the group didn’t stop and thus, led to the death of CC where the jaw of the animatronic shut and crushed CC’s head.

Did Michael feel guilty for causing the Bite of 83′?
Michael did feel guilty for causing the incident. He apologized to his brother in his deathbed, and he helped free his sister from the animatronic Circus Baby. Michael certainly atoned for his mistakes.
What is Mrs Afton’s full name?
Many believe that Mrs. Afton full name is Clara Schmidt Afton.
What is Michael’s Afton’s real name?
His real name is Michael Afton, but he also goes by Eggs Benedict or Mike Schmidt.
What is Clara Afton’s maiden name?
Clara Schmidt.
What is Williams Afton’s real name?
His real name is William Afton, but people also call him Dave Miller.

It’s me, Leo B. Hurdle. I’ve always loved video games since I was a kid. Since I love writing as well, I knew I must pursue this combination when I realized I could combine both.
I graduated from Cornell University in 2012. Initially, I worked in game design, but eventually became a game writer. Since about five years, I’ve been writing games. My experience ranges from first-person shooters to puzzle games, and I’ve loved every minute of it.
I spend too much time playing online games. Roleplaying games are also my favorite. It’s fun to get lost in another world and become someone else. Playing it is a great way to escape reality.